For the good of creativity.

Ideas, creative and design inspiration, curated with care by Steve & Charlie.

The Freezing Rapha Festive 500

The Freezing Rapha Festive 500

Ice, wind, black ice, snow, fog, darkness… oh and cold as fuck. Just a few of the conditions faced by Johan Björklund and Even Skår as they completed the 500 kilometers between December 24th-31st in Sweden as part of the Rapha Festive 500. A huge feat in itself, battling tricky, freezing terrain, but as the event also awards storytelling, the guys managed to capture a beautiful series of photographs that give a wonderful view of their story, the event and the Swedish landscape from the eyes of the plucky cyclist.

'While you browse through the photos, think of that special mixed feeling of stoke and insanity when you descend a pretty much deserted rough gravel road in the middle of nowhere way too fast. Plus it’s thickly covered with fresh snow and when you look down at your front wheel all you can see when the snow is pushed away is a layer of black ice. Cue endorphins.'

GoodFromYou Johan and Even

Rapha Festive 500  |  Johan's Tumblr  |  Johan's Insta  |  Even's Insta

Short Movie

Short Movie