Back to the moon tells the story of a pioneering illusionist
The animated story of filmmaker and illusionist Georges Méliès transports us through his magical world of film, style, technique and characters.
A masterclass in storytelling, the film captures the imagination of the viewer in stunning visuals, backed by Disney-esque sound design that captivate and intrigues. Co-directed by Fx Goby and Google Doodles’ Hélène Leroux, the story manages to bring to life the technical and narrative skills pioneered by Méliès.
“Méliès is one of my personal heroes, and being able to pay tribute to him in such a visible way is both a rare opportunity and a huge privilege. There’s nothing in the film which hasn’t been considered through the Méliès lens; the shape of the stars, the contents on the table, every object has a story behind it which is linked to him.” - FX
The 360 VR film is a first-of-its-kind collaboration between Google Doodles, Google Spotlight Stories, Google Arts and Culture, Cinématèque Française and Nexus Studios.