For the good of creativity.

Ideas, creative and design inspiration, curated with care by Steve & Charlie.

Draw Tomorrow


'The colour of the sky reflects our mood, trees will sing when we’re happy & everyone will wear spacesuit onesies and bounce along paths made of jelly'

More than fifty creatives from the Central Illustration Agency have produced illustrations for the V&A Museum of Childhood based on children’s visions of the future. CIA teamed up with AMV BBDO to create the campaign, Mind of a child – eye of an artist, which ties in with the theme of this year’s Big Draw project, Draw Tomorrow. The above illustration by Sir Peter Blake is in response to 8 year old Evie’s future dream in which the colour of the sky reflects our mood - yellow for happy, purple for angry. Trees will sing when we’re happy - oh, and everyone will wear spacesuit onesies and bounce along paths made of jelly.

GoodFromYou CIA & AMV BBDO

Pumpkin Types

Nest Project