For the good of creativity.

Ideas, creative and design inspiration, curated with care by Steve & Charlie.

Sophie Green

Sophie Green

A real talent for capturing the reality of British life, culture and sub-cultures, Sophie's work takes a clear step away from mainstream culture, documenting life and communities away from convention. Her projects cover moments with travellers, stock-car drivers and horse fairs to name a few, bound together by the need to challenge misconceptions of society.

"I’m fascinated by imperfections in life, human vulnerabilities and our ability to overcome adversity - the reoccurring theme throughout my work is the power of the human spirit."

Some of her projects are several years in the making, giving Sophie time to truthfully honour and respect the subjects in their lives and through her work. Her approach ensures she stays true to the reality of the moment, meaning minimal retouching to let the raw image speak for itself - something we find exciting in an age of over-perfected-post-production. Sophie has tapped into a series of topics that really bring a unique view on British culture and we look forward to her future explorations.

"My photography is a spontaneous, intuitive reaction to the ordinary - capturing unconventional beauty in its natural, everyday environment." 

GoodFromYou Sophie Green

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IBM Cloud

IBM Cloud

Anna Filipova

Anna Filipova